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A service to map resources and properties from one data model into an other.
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A micro service to normalize rdf data by selecting a number of operators and configure them accordingly.
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This service offers an API to ingest and update institutions and record sets from Drupal into the rest of the backend and updates all the necessary things.
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A microservice which prepares XML files for the mapper service. Uses XSLT for the simplification and then generates a flat JSON document.
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Provides utility classes, functions and constants used in many JVM based services.
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CI/CD components for gradle projects
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This service reads the contents of a Kafka topic and ingest each message as a document into elasticsearch.
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Transforms RDF-Serialization from NT to JSON-LD. Can use frames.
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A service which searches a sftp server folder and validates and reports the text files found.
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Reads and transforms json metadata files.
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Transforms a given JSON-LD resource into a search index document.
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A small service to move the header information into the message body for each report.
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A micro service which links digital instantiations metadata documents with the file found on the sftp server if the file is imported into memobase.
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A service which reads table data formats (CSV, TSV, XSL, XSLX, ODS) from a sftp server and transforms them into json objects per row. The keys are taken from a header row.
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Consumes the reports for the import process of institutions & record sets. It then sends a status report to the Import API Endpoint.
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Serde for the mapper service configration
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Transforms the Drupal Institution & Record Set entities into Memobase RDF Resources.
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Mircoservice that writes messages into files (with compression)