Explore projects
This repository contains the configuration for the JupyterHub to deploy it with Portainer.
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Streaming Server
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyActs as a central provider for media files
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swissbib / swisscollections / solr-indexer
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Microservice responsible to index SOLR Search documents
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ub-unibas / cloudservices / minivault
Apache License 2.0This application serves as a proxy to generate and serve TLS certificates for microservices in the UB-IT architecture.
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A simple script that runs a reindex task on elasticsearch.
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Dockerfile used to deploy the MediaWiki instances at the University Library.
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Import Process / Normalization Service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A micro service to normalize rdf data by selecting a number of operators and configure them accordingly.
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CI/CD components for Cargo
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swissbib / swisscollections / Non-marc Mapper
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Map non-marc sources (CMI, Pestalozzianum, ...) to marc21 for further processing.
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Import Process / Media-Linker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A micro service which links digital instantiations metadata documents with the file found on the sftp server if the file is imported into memobase.
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Provides tools for testing cargo/rust applications in CI/CD workflows
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ub-unibas / mediaserver / mediaserveringest
Apache License 2.0ingest functionality for media server
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Drupal Ingest Service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This service offers an API to ingest and update institutions and record sets from Drupal into the rest of the backend and updates all the necessary things.
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ub-unibas / mediaserver / mediaserverimage
Apache License 2.0image tranformations for mediaserver
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Contains the basic strapi project to be deployed for the RDV 2 project as the content management system.
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Import Process / Mapper Service
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A service to map resources and properties from one data model into an other.
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swissbib / swisscollections / content2searchdocs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0creates search documents on the basis of bibliographic descriptions