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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / ExternalAPIs / Rest
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Code for api.memobase.ch
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ub-unibas / rdv / services / rdv_viewer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This tutorial contains basic python syntax examples, light intros to numpy, pandas, statsmodels and plotting with python as well as a guide to packaging.
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swissbib / classic / pura-backend
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPURA-Backend for Libraries
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Eine Application für das registrieren von Open Access Fund Anträgen.
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Presentation "Microservices based on the Kafka Event Hub" held at ELAG 2019, on May 10th, 2019 https://swissbib.gitlab.io/presentations/microservices-and-kafka
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swissbib / metamorph-doku
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDokumentation und Referenz zu Metamorph, des Transformationsmoduls von Metafacture
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ub-unibas / mediaserver / mediaserverviewer
Apache License 2.0embeddable viewers for mediaserver
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a ZF2 (and Skeleton-App) based module for the administration of library institutions
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Nordenström, Simon (ARTORG) / leaddbs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyLead-DBS is a MATLAB-toolbox facilitating deep brain stimulation electrode locations and connectomic imaging.
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straight forward service to support id concordance between former swissbib IDs and new IDs of the slsp era. service is based on play framework and deployed into k8s cluster
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Multifactor authentication extension for the IdP version 3.
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