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ub-unibas / CSE
MIT LicenseUpdatedUpdated -
ub-unibas / rdv / services / rdv_viewer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Static page for swissbib.ch with information about the switch-off
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swissbib / swisscollections / searchconf
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0search engine configuration for swisscollections
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2 hours presentation about docker container technolgy In the end they will see a running docker-compose environment which includes the components:
php-apache mysql solr with three nodes zookeeper ensemble with three nodesUpdated -
Presentation "Microservices based on the Kafka Event Hub" held at ELAG 2019, on May 10th, 2019 https://swissbib.gitlab.io/presentations/microservices-and-kafka
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swissbib / metamorph-doku
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDokumentation und Referenz zu Metamorph, des Transformationsmoduls von Metafacture
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swissbib / eventhub-doku
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
swissbib / classic / pura-backend
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPURA-Backend for Libraries
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a ZF2 (and Skeleton-App) based module for the administration of library institutions
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swissbib / linked / data.swissbib.ch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This is the second version of an API for the RDF data created by the linked swissbib project It is inspired by similar ideas coming from lobid.org and therefor the implementation is based on the Java / Scala Play Framework
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IMI SAD / SADcollect
Apache License 2.0Updated -
memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / ExternalAPIs / Rest
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Code for api.memobase.ch
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Kirell Maël Benzi / Sadview
Apache License 2.0Updated -