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IMI SAD / SADcollect
Apache License 2.0Updated -
A simple script that runs a reindex task on elasticsearch.
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ub-unibas / rdv / data-tools / rdv_africa_data
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This repo contains instructions, scripts and help for setting up the Raspberry Pi for Digital Engineering.
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This tutorial contains basic python syntax examples, light intros to numpy, pandas, statsmodels and plotting with python as well as a guide to packaging.
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A script to export the databases on the postrges cluster.
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New Media Center / Panopto AD user sync
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Eine Application für das registrieren von Open Access Fund Anträgen.
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Scripts to load and ingest metadata from national license files.
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Matthias / my-test-project-1
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Any interaction between Drupal and the Backend goes through this service.
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some utility scripts to extract documents from a noSQL Database (Mongo) using various Predicates (simple regex filter criteria....)
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ub-unibas / rdv / modules / mongo_decorator_ubit
MIT LicenseUpdated -
memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / media-url-update-service-xml
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0sitemap-komponente für institutionen die die updates mit xml liefern (radiox, sozialarchiv, rts patios)
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memoriav / Memobase 2020 / services / Media URL Update
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A service which offers an endpoint to submit changed to external URLs. The service then updates the database accordingly.