====== Multi-factor authentication with IdPv3 ======
* Meeting notes below
* [Specifications](specifications)
* [Questions & Answers](questions)
* [Technology Watch](techwatch)
* [Specifications](toolbox_archive/specifications)
* [Questions & Answers](toolbox_archive/questions)
* [Technology Watch](toolbox_archive/techwatch)
===== Project locations =====
... | ... | @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Test accounts for use on [[https://mfa-dev.ed.switch.ch/index.html|mfa-dev]] |
* Target population: all edu-ID users
* Target environment: IdPv3
[Questions from UniGE to Swiss edu-ID](questions)
[Questions from UniGE to Swiss edu-ID](toolbox_archive/questions)
===== Output of the second brainstorming session =====

... | ... | @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Test accounts for use on [[https://mfa-dev.ed.switch.ch/index.html|mfa-dev]] |
* The main target is Google Auth. Additionnal means can be managed via a radius backend
* Main steps and schedule:
* Writing specifications - SWITCH:EDM - and bid for collegiate validation - 12.2015
* [Technology watch](techwatch): verify the availability of new login flows that could be used for our own needs - SWITCH & UNIGE - Q4 2015 & Q1 2016
* [Technology watch](toolbox_archive/techwatch): verify the availability of new login flows that could be used for our own needs - SWITCH & UNIGE - Q4 2015 & Q1 2016
* Login flow development for Google Auth - SWITCH:EDM - S1 2016
* integration / implementation of the backend radius and study of the possibility of using other techniques (SMS, Yubikey) - UNIGE:AHU,DPE,CBR - S1 2016
* Definition of organizational procedures (provisioning, exceptions handling, (self-)enrolment, communication, helpdesk, incident management, etc.) - UNIGE:PLH - S1 2016
... | ... | @@ -122,4 +122,4 @@ Voici cependant quelques compléments qui ont été discutés en séance: |
* Is there a session timeout per authentication method on the SP?\\ **Yes**, but not directly. Session timeouts can be changed per application (in the SP sense). For example, An [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPApplicationOverride|ApplicationOverride]] could specify a [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPSessions|Sessions]] element with MFA-specific timeouts (available settings are ''lifetime'', ''timeout'' and ''maxTimeSinceAuthn''), then this application can be referenced in the Apache configuration with ''ShibRequestSetting applicationId foo''.
==== more meetings ====
are [here](meetings) |
are [here](toolbox_archive/meetings) |